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Missed the January Deadline? It’s not too late


Metfilm School

Jonny Persey

MetFilm Director

Jonny Persey is the Director of MetFilm. He is passionate about creating and maintaining a valuable and industry-relevant educational system, spearheading the synergy between the group’s separate facets to offer students the best learning experience possible. He gets a buzz from watching our graduates win work, runs projects, and apply their trade in film, television, online, and across the creative industries in the UK and beyond. 

Jonny has over twenty years’ experience in producing films, and his credits reveal an eclectic mix of thought-provoking, inquisitive and entertaining titles.  He and his team have produced numerous documentaries, including Sundance prize-winning How to Change the World, Grierson winner Deep Water, BIFA nominated The Great Hip-Hop HoaxTown of RunnersDonor Unknown, and School in the Cloud. He has also produced or exec produced a series of fiction films, including most recently The Mercy based on our documentary Deep Water, and Swimming with Men based on our documentary Men Who Swim as well as other award-winning feature films including The Infidel written by David Baddiel, Little Ashes starring Robert Pattinson, and Wondrous Oblivion. 

Having studied psychology at Cambridge University and worked for several years as a youth worker and organisational development consultant, Jonny produced his first feature film, Everyone’s Child, in Zimbabwe in 1996. He then went on to study at the National Film & Television School where he produced a series of acclaimed short films both through the school and independently. 

In 2022, Jonny Persey was honoured at the 2022 Odeon National Youth Film Awards with the ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Young Talent’ award.


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