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Metfilm School

Robert Lehniger

Head of School, MetFilm School Berlin

Born in Weimar, East Germany, Robert studied at the world famous Bauhaus University and began a career in the creative industries.

Robert has already had a fascinating career, achieving directing acclaim and working at many of the renowned Theatres, Opera houses and Festivals throughout the German speaking Theatre Industry. Most recently, he has been responsible for creating ‘theatre to go’, a mobile format which brings German theatre classics to non-traditional venues across Düsseldorf in condensed and highly accessible versions.

As well as following a professional career as a theatre, film and digital media artist, Robert has also pursued a successful academic career as a lecturer and a tutor at a variety of Art-, Film- and Drama Schools, including a recent position as a professor at Cours Florent, a French acting school based in Berlin, where he was responsible for initiating, building up and running a BA Acting program for international students from all across the globe.