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Metfilm School

Dr. Neil Hillman

Filmmaking and Sound Tutor, MetFilm School Birmingham

“When the sound is bad you notice the sound, when the sound is good you notice the pictures…”

Dr. Neil Hillman MPSE describes himself as ‘an organic and free-range’ production sound recordist for drama, documentary and world-stage Outside Broadcast events such as the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games. As well as recording sound on location, Neil also works as a Supervising Sound Editor in post-production sound, responsible for the editing, mixing and delivery of the overall soundtrack on feature films and television drama. His Birmingham-based audio post-production company “The Audio Suite” was formed in the early 2000s and quickly gained a world class reputation for its sound services to feature film and television clients.  Neil is known for his work on productions such as: Lincoln, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell no Lies, Finding Fatima and Kingsman: The Golden Circle.

Neil is the author of numerous academic papers and two books related to sound: his latest, “Sound for Moving Pictures”, is due for publication in April 2021.
