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Metfilm School

Metfilm School

Intro to Acting for Screen

Start Date & Pricing
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Start Date & Pricing
2 days
Course available in
London, Berlin, Brighton, + 2 more



Intro to Acting for Screen is a two-day weekend course designed for aspiring performers who are passionate about film, TV, and online video content. This course offers an exciting opportunity to explore the fundamentals of on-screen acting through engaging and practical exercises. Suitable for beginners, no previous acting experience is required.


Why Take the Course?

Why Take the Course?

Intro to Acting for Screen is designed to introduce you to the following core areas:

  • What subtext is and its function within a scene
  • Different ways to prepare a scene for performance
  • The main cues a director gives an actor when filming
  • Different shot sizes and how these impact your performance and range of movement
  • How to be confident acting in front of the camera

Students can expect to explore the art of on-screen acting through interactive lectures, practical workshops, and performance exercises.


What you will study

What you will study

The following list is an overview of the topics and themes covered in Intro to Acting for Screen.

During these sessions, you will discover the use and purpose of subtext in performance. By addressing what subtext is and how it influences a performance you will enhance your understanding of performance tools and obstacles, whilst evaluating your choices as an actor when addressing script material.

You will address key questions such as: what is a story? What makes a story interesting? What is a good script? And how you should set about choosing good roles.

The filmmaking process will be explored so you understand its stages in broad terms. You will also learn the names and functions of all principal crew members. You will come to understand technical requirements such as shot sizes, director commands and on set procedures.


Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

Minimum Age: 18 at the start of the course.

This course is open enrolment and there are no entry requirements.

In order to get the most out of the course, you should be able to both speak and write in English to a reasonable standard.

Please be aware that we have a limited number of places available for each course intake and operate on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Duration: Two Days Full-Time.
  • Locations: MetFilm School London, Berlin, Brighton, Birmingham, and Manchester

For more information on the Intro to Acting course, please visit:

