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Metfilm School

Metfilm School

Schools Outreach

MetFilm School connects with schools and colleges across the UK to inspire the next generation of screen creatives, offering insight into our undergraduate courses and careers within film, television, and online media.

As a leading film school, we can support your students to:

  • Develop a better understanding of the creative industries.
  • Understand what higher education and professional training means.
  • Make informed choices for their future.

Become a Partner School

We are pleased to offer the following to our Partner Schools:

  • Exclusive access to our on-campus Taster Days at Ealing Studios. These 3-hour class visits include: a presentation on life at MetFilm School; Practical Workshop; Tour of our facilities; The chance to hear from students and graduates; Goodie bags for all!
  • An annual delivery of prospectuses, posters, and flyers.
  • Twice a term online newsletter with news, events, and opportunities.
  • Attendance at your own career fairs (subject to staff availability).

To register your interest in becoming a Partner School, please contact




We’re delighted to work with MetFilm School to help prepare our students for careers in the creative media industry. Having such a high profile institution like MetFilm School on our doorstep allows our media students the chance to explore routes into film and content. We look forward to doing more with MetFilm School in the near future, and developing our working relationship.

Jonathan JacobHead of External Relations and Careers, Global Academy

Portland Place School have enjoyed it’s collaboration with MetFilm School over the past eighteen months. Their team have always been so hospitable to our students, allowing them to visit the School, take part in workshops, and find out more about the film industry.

Our students thoroughly enjoy everything about the MetFilm School, and we look forward to hopefully continuing this ever-developing relationship for years to come. Thankyou to everyone at MetFilm!

Mike FlackTeacher of Film, Media and Photography & Post 16 Adviser, Portland Place School

Logic has been working with MetFilm School for the last two years. It is great to have such a resource and opportunity for our students to gain a real understanding of the opportunities within the film industry.

We have been able to take groups of students to visit MetFilm School and see a real studio in action, and to be able to talk to students and staff about the possibilities available to them; a great experience for our students, and a real eye opener!

John CadoganVice Principal, Logic Studio School