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Metfilm School

ScreenSpace… the story so far

By Danny Kelly

06 December 2019

From its inception back in 2018 to the arrival of the second intake of the BA Content, Media & Film Production course in September this year, the ScreenSpace story has been marked by important steps.

Not only did we welcome double the numbers of first-year students to the BA Content, Media & Production course this year, the inaugural class moved into their second year to the news that one of their course mates, Corey Smith, had been shortlisted in the Smart Screen Creative Awards, for his short film on homelessness in London: The Sofa Surfer. Corey was shortlisted alongside students from the BA, MA and short courses from MetFilm School London and Berlin, at the 2019 Awards.

Last month the new first years were already out pitching their ideas, for their Tell a Story module, to one of ScreenSpace’s main partners Twitter. Five out of the 18 groups were selected to go to the Twitter HQ in Air Street, London, and pitch to their team. Their brief was to pitch a 5-minute fiction piece based on a cultural moment from the last 12 months that gained traction on Twitter. Chloe and James, were two of our new first years, lucky enough to be picked

“It was such an amazing opportunity to gain feedback and present in front of industry professionals. I was given some amazing feedback and it really encouraged me to keep going with my work. It also gave me a great insight into the industry as this is a job I would love to pursue in the future. The people from Twitter where so welcoming and took away my nerves when it came to pitching. It was a great experience and boosted my confidence.” – Chloe Wallace

“The experience of coming to the HQ and getting to pitch my idea in front of the Twitter guys was really encouraging and it was brilliant getting feedback from people who are actually involved in big social media campaigns. It’s always great when you see anyone getting excited about your idea but even more so when they work in the industry 24/7.”  – James Parker


While the BA Content, Media & Production has been growing from strength to strength, we have been busy identifying where we go next… According to government figures, the creative industries made a record contribution to the economy in 2017, developing new jobs faster than other sectors despite record employment in the UK economy as a whole. Film, TV, advertising and digital creative industries are all part of this thriving sector.

To fill this skills gap, ScreenSpace’s brand-new and totally unique degree: BA (Hons) in Film Business and Screen Entrepreneurship is now open for applications for September 2020.

Lisette Johnston, Head of School at ScreenSpace said:This is very exciting, there’s nothing quite like it for the film and screen industry. The music industry has benefited enormously from business-related music degrees, but in film and screen we’ve been lagging behind.

“Business talent and entrepreneurship is vital if this burgeoning industry is to continue to grow – we have Netflix securing more and more studio and office space in the UK and on top of this, with the BBC and ITV’s joint venture Britbox and Apple TV+ set to launch, the opportunities to work in this industry just keep presenting themselves.”

Much like the BA Content, Media & Film Production, this new degree will work in partnership with industry to teach students to develop their business skills and knowledge across a range of areas within the screen and film industries, and build their entrepreneurial mission, to launch successful careers.

Read Lisette’s article on the decline of creative subjects in schools and universities in The Guardian today: People listen to Greta Thunberg because of her creativity, not just her science

Applications are now open for the BA Hons in Film Business and Screen Entrepreneurship and BA Content, Media & Production starting September 2020.
