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MA Screenwriting Student Rachel Goacher earns Coronation Street Placement

By Elise Czyzowska

12 April 2024

Last year, one of our MA Screenwriting students secured a coveted spot in Screen Yorkshire’s ScriptEd program, designed to improve representation in the screen industries. Among six placement openings at the end of the program, Rachel stood out, earning a role shadowing Alison Hunt during the drafting process for Coronation Street.

In our latest blog, we catch up with Rachel Goacher to delve into her experience on this placement and her overall journey in screenwriting…

Rachel Goacher (MA Screenwriting)

First, what made you realise that you wanted to be a screenwriter?

As a kid, there was nothing I loved more than a Pixar film. I loved them so much that I would watch everything on the DVD – including the behind the scenes content. There, I got a sneak peak into what it looked like to work in a creative environment – although at the time I think I was just obsessed by the concept of free cereal. From there, I always knew I wanted to carve a creative career for myself and, along the way, I found out that writing was the format for me.

And how would you describe your unique screenwriting ‘style’?

I want to write what I want to watch and I love feel-good entertainment. So, whether that be rom-coms, fantasy or drama – it’s less about the genre and more about the protagonist. I love a character that I can pour both a little of myself and a little of this weird and wonderful world into.


You were part of Screen Yorkshire’s ScriptEd programme – what was the highlight of this experience?

Trying to make it in film sometimes feels a lot like visiting another country. You don’t know anyone; you don’t speak the language; and, worst of all, it’s not a holiday – your livelihood depends on it. So, I wouldn’t say I had a particular highlight because the whole program is designed to give you a support system; demystify how the industry works; and help you understand the language. For that reason, the whole thing was utterly invaluable.

And how did ScriptEd complement the skills that you learnt on our MA Screenwriting degree?

My MA in Screenwriting taught me craft. It taught me the practicalities of writing for different genres, different formats. It gave me the security I needed to fail, to try new things, to explore and have fun with weird concepts. To really hone who I was, what I wanted to say and how to package that for the industry. MetFilm did a lot of heavy lifting in regards to laying a good foundation. From there, schemes like ScriptEd are helping me build the house. Can you tell I like a metaphor yet?

Now on placement with Coronation Street, you’ve spent time shadowing Alison Hunt. With almost 500 episodes of the show under her belt, what’s been your biggest takeaway from her mentorship?

Ali is awesome. She was incredibly generous in opening up her world to me and encouraging me to get involved. My biggest take away is definitely her ability to jump between the 40,000-foot view of a project (understanding the storyline in the grand scheme of things) and digging into specific details of a scene. It can be so easy to focus on one or the other: Ali showed the importance of flitting between both whilst not getting too bogged down in either.


And what does a ‘typical day’ look like as part of the Script Editing team for the show

The script editing team are typically reading scripts which are at different stages in the production process: anywhere from first drafts to shooting scripts. They’re the people giving feedback to writers and ensuring the continuity of every character’s storyline. They make sure that the world of Weatherfield feels real and the rules of the world are upheld so audiences can focus on loving the characters.

Studying in Leeds, and now working in the wider Yorkshire industry, what’s your favourite thing about the screen industry up north?

As someone born and bred in Leeds it’s such a privilege for me to be able to work here and not have to move away. We’re a friendly bunch up North. You never have to look too far to find a group of people who will support and cheerlead you and that’s why I love it so much.

And finally, you’re heading to the London Screenwriters Festival this month… can you tell us a little about what you’ll be up to there, and what you’re most looking forward to?

The festival was absolutely incredible – amazing speakers, the chance to pitch to execs, and plenty of other lovely writers to just geek out with about stories. Whilst there, my writing partner and I won a pitching competition: winning a general meeting with Sky’s Head of Commissioning. We have an awesome TV show we’re working on so watch this space!

  • Rachel Goacher studied MA Screenwriting at MetFilm School Leeds. These degrees are also available in London and Berlin.
  • Explore our full range of MA Degree at our upcoming Postgraduate Virtual Open Event, happening Wednesday 8 May, 6pm BST.