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5 Top Smartphone Storytelling Tips

By Mart Gordon

07 June 2018

There has never been a more exciting time to be a filmmaker. With new technology, making films is easier and more accessible than ever before. One of the greatest tools is the Smartphone. Films such as Tangerine by Sean Baker or Unsane by Steven Soderbergh show the scale and potential of this little everyday device.

We’ve just launched a competition to shoot your own two-minute film and win a 4K Panasonic camera kit. So, ScreenSpace tutor Jesse Quinones has listed five points to consider before setting off to make your own masterpiece!

5 top tips:

  1. Story, story, story. At the end of the day, whether you’re making a film on a Red Camera, an Alexa, or an iPhone, ultimately you need to start with a story. My suggestion is to tell a story you care about. If you care about others will.
  2. Work with the tools you have. If you’re shooting with your smartphone chances are you’re making an indie film. Indie films are made on a budget. And that’s no bad thing. Use your lack of resources and time as a positive. Learn to make the best film you can using the tools you have.
  3. Find great actors. There are so many amazing actors in London. What your film may lack in scale and budget it will make up for with powerful performances.
  4. Preparation is key. Make sure you do your prep, this includes things like shot lists, and rehearsal plan. Making films is one of the trickiest artistic endeavours. It requires the brain of a drill sergeant with the heart of a poet. The more organised you are the better you can focus, during the shoot, on creating beautiful images and moving performances.
  5. Shoot on your smartphone with the edit in mind. Get the coverage you need to edit your film together. It’s one of the biggest mistakes I come across, lack of coverage. And make sure to get your inserts and transition shots. They will save your life.

Jesse Quinones is a London based writer/director/producer.