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Missed the January Deadline? It’s not too late


Metfilm School

Connor Kinsey

BA Filmmaking

Connor has worked on over thirty commercials including Smyths Toys, Bavaria beer and NHS numeracy. He recently freelanced as a Shooting-Producer on a six-month contract for a local charity and released three short films. He currently has one BAFTA script and one BFI script in development solely as a writer.

With his creative partner who also studied at MetFilm school, Connor is in the process of setting up a production company, which will produce eight music videos commissioned by British independent record label, Bella Union.

These projects will see video releases between March and June on MTV, BBC and online platforms such as Vimeo and YouTube.

What was the most valuable thing about your overall experience at MetFilm school?

“Family is everything to me and when you spend a lot of your time with the same people and build upon a vision together, that brings you really close. Filmmaking can be quite vulnerable because you’re giving a lot of yourself to a project and so that crew of people become your family, and there’s no better feeling than that.”

What advice would you offer to a current film school graduate?

“Go to every extra class possible, and learn the basics of every department so that you understand and respect that role with every project. Network with everyone, your fellow graduates will be in the industry when you are, so build relationships early.”

