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Metfilm School

Metfilm School

Policies and Key Documents

In this section, you can access a range of MetFilm School policies and key documents.

The following policies have been superseded (following the acquisition of MetFilm School by BIMM Group) by relevant BIMM Group policies, which can be found on the Policies, procedures and key documents | BIMM University page:

  • Acceptable Use of IT
  • Anti-Bribery Policy
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy


Below are the latest financial statements.

The information published on these pages shows:

The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.

It shows these numbers by reference to:

  • The gender of the individuals to which they relate;
  • Their ethnicity;
  • Their socio-economic background.

Table 1a: Percentage of classified first degrees at grade 2:1 or above by characteristic for 2021-22 qualifiers.

Table 1b: Detailed information on attainment for 2021-22 qualifiers.

For previous versions of the Student Handbook, please contact

If you are unsure which policies apply to you, or if you require copies of policies relating to previous years, please write to academic services at