Metfilm School
MetFilm School’s Inclusive Culture
Our mission is to inspire the next generation of creative screen professionals; to ensure the success of all of our students by offering the best possible learning environment, and to widen access to our programmes in whatever way we can.
We are committed to providing and supporting an environment that promotes and develops equality of opportunity for all students and staff. We seek to continually improve our standards across the student lifecycle encompassing access and admission; support and progression; and graduate employability and entrepreneurship.

Widening Access – Choice and Support
MetFilm School offers a broad range of part-time, weekend, and short courses which are attended by a diverse range of students from across the UK, including many from under-represented groups. We are proud of the high number of students who progress from these courses to other MetFilm School courses, including our accredited programmes.
Our academic selection criteria are deliberately pitched at an accessible level as we see academic achievement as one of many windows into applicants’ suitability for our programmes. We look also for evidence of aptitude to a career in the screen industries, willingness and openness to learn, and the tenacity to navigate our immersive and practical programmes. We also encourage non-cognate applications and applications from students who have studied elsewhere and wish to transfer to our programme.
Our 2 year accelerated BA (Hons) programme allows students to complete their learning more quickly, in either London or Berlin, so that they save on living expenses and start earning more quickly. In London we also offer an option to take the programme over three years which works better for some students for whom the longer breaks offer an opportunity to gain relevant experience, earn money, travel, or rest. We are also supportive of students taking learning breaks when we consider this advantageous for the students learning or professional development.
Our strategic plan is driven by a commitment to accessibility. We want to make our programmes more accessible to people, transcending boundaries created by affordability and geography and creating more flexible access to our learning environment.
This principle has driven, for example, the development of our postgraduate provision, 3-year degree options, our six-month programmes, and the opening of our campuses in Berlin, Brighton, Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds.
We have a discretionary bursary provision which is made available on an exceptional basis to support students who would otherwise not be able to undertake our programmes, and a limited number of partial and full-ride scholarships including the ‘Women in the Screen Industries Scholarship’; the Dan Demissie Scholarship (for black students); and two other full Scholarships, one at Berlin and one at our Leeds campus.

Employability and Entrepreneurship
MetFilm School programmes seek to prepare students to be both employable and entrepreneurial. This ethos is underlined and enhanced by Creative Futures, our graduate opportunities programme, which interweaves industry practice into and around our programmes and offers real work opportunities to our graduates. Students and graduates can apply for placements, internships and paid work opportunities promoted by Creative Futures. Creative Futures also offers career surgeries, CV checks, and editing support. We are enormously proud of the high proportion of our graduates who go on to work in freelance or permanent roles within the creative industries, and of the success stories of our graduates.

Supporting Learning
Supporting Learning
Student Learning Support
Our pre-induction courses run for six weeks prior to induction, offering students an opportunity to prepare for the programme, learn study skills, and get to know their fellow students. It is one of many provisions we have built into our pedagogical approach to support students in their learning journey.
Our programmes are immersive and students have ample opportunity to engage with tutors and staff both within the curriculum and around it.
Our programmes meet the learning needs of a broad spectrum of students with a variety of large group and small group tuition and individual support; workshops, exercises and seminars; and a range of approaches to assessment. The commitment to authentic and inclusive assessment is written in to our Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy.
Student Engagement Support
There are a variety of support mechanisms available at MetFilm School to support students and ensure that they stay engaged with their programme of study and successfully complete. All accredited students maintain a close working relationship between themselves and their programme teams which encourages students to stay engaged and provides easy access to tutors, advice and support. To supplement their curriculum learning students are encouraged to take on personal projects and are able to book time with tutors to discuss their goals, career, ongoing projects, upcoming assignments and submissions, and anything that may be getting in the way of their learning journey.
Formal mechanisms of Support
More formally the School has a variety of mechanisms in place to ensure that Students who are unable to attend classes or submit their assignments are not disadvantaged, including interruptions to study and deferrals. Students are encouraged to contact the School as soon as they begin experiencing difficulties in order to ensure that we are able to support them effectively.
Curriculum Support
Our industry-focused curriculum utilises a number of alternative assessment methods to ensure that all students are meeting the learning outcomes whilst gaining valuable industry best practice skills. Students who have declared a disability are supported in the classroom via a variety of reasonable adjustments including extra time to complete assignments or alternative assessment types as appropriate. Students can book onto one-to-one assessment tutorials and one-to-one study skills support sessions as well available centrally, across all of our campuses.